Until the COVID Era, I had no idea who the school board members were or what they did. But, as I always say, "People won't get involved in politics until something hits them personally."
For me, my turning point was in May of 2020, when a young boy in Palos Verdes committed suicide during the lockdowns. No one was talking about it except through private text chains. A friend texted me. She wrote, "It is due to the lockdowns. He lived to play baseball, and they canceled it indefinitely." Like so many kids, he hated school, and then suddenly, he was stuck in front of a screen watching the adult teacher on the other side fumble their way through what Governor Newsom called "A rigorous online education."
A week later, in May of 2020, when I walked into one of my children's rooms, I noticed she turned off the camera on her computer so the teacher couldn't see her. She was lying with her face buried. I sat beside her, put my hand on her back, and through the muffling of the pillow covering her face, she asked me a question no eleven-year-old should ever have to ask their mom. But it wasn't a question. It was more of a declaration, "What's the point of living!" After a long time of comforting her and telling her everything would be okay, I searched the internet, "What cities are open?" Then, I announced to the family, "Let's pack our bags. Bring your computers. We are going to Las Vegas!"
Not even global tyranny could stop Vegas from living. Elvis was right, "Viva Las Vegas."
In May of 2020, we had to wear masks while walking through the lobby, but once we got through the glass doors, the lazy rivers and water parks were open for business. And then, after days of family-friendly outings and reading the flashing billboard signs, "COVID-Free Lap Dances," I got involved in politics. I googled, "Who's in charge of public schools?"
In 2020, I naively thought, "If only the School Board Members knew the truth, they would do something about it."
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do bad things, but because of those who look on and do nothing”. –Albert Einstein
In 2020, Alex Cherniss was the PVPUSD Superintendent. Brenna Terrones was, and still is, the assistant Superintendent. Rick Liccardello was and still is the Human Resource Officer, and the Board Members were:
Linda Reid
Rick Phillips
Mat Brach
Megan Crawford
Suzane Seymore
I sent them a long email. I laid out what I thought were the indisputable facts:
Covid was not serious for children or most healthy adults
Covid could be fatal, like the flu, for people with four or more comorbidities
There were plenty of beds in the Hospitals
Hospitals had plenty of PPE
Social Isolation was causing an increase in suicide
Isolating healthy children and adults is insane - only sick people should isolate
I CC'd every teacher in the District, over 700 people. However, only two people responded to me: The Superintendent and school board member Linda Reid. In solidarity, the Superintendent attached an email he sent to President Donald Trump. Linda Reid responded to me with a condescending and heartless note. She replied, "We have to think of the hospital workers."
To say, "I was furious with Reid" is an understatement. But, I believed I had an ally with the Superintendent. Yet, he explained that the Board and the political and legal process limit the Superintendent's power. In several responses to my requests, Superintendent Cherniss said, "They are my boss. You have to convince the Board." So, I spent the next three years trying to convince the Board that social isolation is dangerous and that standing on stickers at grocery schools is not only stupid but part of a totalitarian regime to destroy Americans' Liberty.
I sent the Board many emails, hoping one would convince them to correct the course, open the schools, and then unmask the children. So many of my emails went unanswered, not even an acknowledgment, "I received your email." So, it became an inside joke between me, myself, and I. I hoped I could be the voice of the conscience. I began signing my emails, "Jiminy Cricket."
It's been over four years since the lockdowns.
I can joke about it now because laughter is the best cure for insanity. My kids seem to have forgotten the Trauma they felt during the initial home isolation period. But I will never forget what our Government did to us, and the lies they told us. As for my kids, they have forgotten those first early months of the lockdowns. And, occasionally, when the past comes up, they ask me, "Do you want to speak to the manager, Karen?" And, to that, I say, "Damn Straight! Let me talk to the Manager!"
I never wanted to be a middle-class white American woman who people perceive as entitled or excessively demanding, AKA a Karen. But when the Government and their trusted foot soldiers unleashed the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history, you better believe someone needs to get excessively demanding and speak to the Manager!
Over the last four years, I have lost any concern for how I am perceived. The alternative is to let the communist mob rule and silently lay down and die. I have watched more Board Meetings than I care to admit. And, though I vowed to my family that I would quit, I continued to do so because who else would be the next Jiminy Cricket whispering in the Board's ears?
In May 2024, I heard the Palos Verdes Faculty Association Leader, Tim Coleman, call out Julie Hamill for what he considered her engaging in online bullying. So, I tuned in to see what was happening. Coleman insinuated that Board Member Julie Hamill was a bully. Coleman said, "I would like to directly respond to Board Member Hamill's social media posts." However, Hamill wasn't at that meeting. Still, Coleman said, "Hamill asked a question whether middle school girls or PTA moms were bigger bullies. Coleman concluded, "The answer, of course, is neither." Coleman referenced a post on X under the username @hamill-law. The profile at the time read, "Skunk at the garden party." Eight hundred thirty-seven people participated in the survey, answering the question, "Who are the bigger bullies?"
68% of those surveyed answered, "PTA Moms."
34% answered middle school girls.
When I read Hamill's Twitter feed and all the comments, I knew to whom Hamill was referring. It was the PTA MOMS who demanded we all mask up and vax up and now they have moved on from social distancing to sexual grooming by demanding we read Gender Queer and other sexually graphic books.
So, I went to the next meeting. I made a public comment on June 26, 2024. I said, "The reality is that 8,515 people voted for Hamill because she fought back against the bullies who shut down our schools, closed our businesses, and destroyed our economy."
Several other people also spoke on another important topic during the open session of that meeting. They shared with the Board that due to the editorial, "Who's Land Is It?," written in the Palos Verdes High School Yearbook, they lost trust in the Board and the school district. Eleven people made spoken comments, explaining to the Board the definition of antisemitism. The people who spoke explained how the editorial sent shockwaves through the town and caused Trauma within the Jewish community. The editorial is symbolic of the rising level of hostility and hatred directed towards Israel and Jewish People across America and the Globe.
Others left written comments on the District public communication page. One person wrote, "The school board and administration must still denounce the yearbook as factually devoid propaganda that promotes antisemitism. The District should issue an appropriate apology and educate the staff and students about the misinformation printed and how to spot bias and propaganda." Another speaker, Jeff Gold, said, "It is essential for the public to have faith and trust in the school board before voting for a three hundred million dollar expenditure (reference to Measure SOS on the ballot in November 2024). Another speaker said, "I am more worried about people who are more worried about the perception of their political party than about the people who are suffering right now...this is a moment when Muslims, Christians, and Agnostics should be on the same side of this topic...We should be able to be free here. We should be able to be safe here. And we are not."
At the end of each board meeting, school board members and the board president get three minutes to speak freely about whatever they feel compelled to share.
PVPUSD School Board Member Linda Reid could have humbly acknowledged the District's failure to prevent additional Trauma for the Jewish Community by publishing the editorial piece "Who's Land Is It Anyway? * (A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON ISRAEL-PALESTINE)."
Reid and the other Board Members could have taken ownership and simply said,
"I am sorry. It was wrong of us to publish this in a yearbook. The District is responsible for hurting you.
Instead, they used reverse psychology. With the exception of Julie Hamill, Board Members echoed, "I am sorry you feel hurt," which is equivalent to punching someone in the face and then blaming them for the hurt they feel. It's like they punch you in the face and then say, "I understand the pain you feel because my hand hurts, too!"
Instead of showing empathy which is the ability to take off your own shoes and squeeze your feet into someone's else's shoes and walk a mile in them, Linda Reid used her closing statement to give empathy to herself and highlight her trauma.
She went into a victimized self-defense passive-aggressive mode and then did something I have never seen her do before in public. Her hard shell cracked. Her voice got choked up and she almost began to cry.
Reid said, "I was also struck by a speaker who said, 'Maybe we don't understand our Trauma...Trauma is really really individual and umm...I am offended when someone would say I don't empathize or I don't care. Because nobody knows the Trauma that I face every day or that my family members have faced." In response to the comments made by the public, telling the Board they do not trust them, Reid said, "I think anyone that knows me knows my long history of support in really authentic ways of all of our students...Some of our speakers tonight talked about trust. I am really really proud of the trust that I and my colleagues have from our students and from our community members...I mean, seventeen thousand people voted for me in 2020, so I hope they trust me...because I always try to be the voice of students. I do that with every decision I make..." It seemed to me, Linda Reid needed to validate herself in her typical passive aggressive way by comparing the 8,515 votes I mentioned Julie Hamill won to the 17,000 she won. If only I could scream out and say, "Hamill split votes with four other conservative minded candidates - three of whom promised NOT to enforce the vaccine mandates (Mat Brach, Jeremy Vanderhal, Jenny Handjian, Jean Christen).
I was one of the seventeen thousand people who voted for Linda Reid in 2020.
I voted for Linda Reid because I thought she would be true to her word; fight to open schools and be a voice for students.
On October 20, 2020, Patch.com published candidates responses to several questions. Patch asked, "What is the single most pressing issue facing our (state, district, community, etc.), and what do you intend to do about it?"
Linda Reid answered:
The students did not return to school for another six months. And, when they did, their voices were muffled.
The children were essentially wrapped in plexiglass. PVPUSD forced the kids to show their papers and prove they weren't a deadly contagious walking virus. There was no Due Process; children were treated as sick until proven vaccinated. PVPUSD told the Children to stand six feet apart. PVPUSD subjected the children to frequent viral testing and they accused the children of getting their teachers and older people sick.
I will never forget!
And, here we are four years later. PVPUSD School Board Member, Linda Reid, gets to retire to the sound of applause from her adoring fans who seem, in the words of Kamala Harris to be...
"Unburdened by what has been."
On Tuesday, December 3, 20204, the PVPUSD Governing Board recognized Board Member Linda Reid. Many people from the community showed up to praise Reid, including former Board Member Mat Brach. I guess he didn't mind or remember that after the August 11, 2021 meeting, Linda Reid's husband tweeted on @pvpschools, "Another disaster presided over by the clown Brach."
I thought about showing up to the meeting to remind everyone of what has been. I thought about starting my public comment with, "Hi! I am Jiminy Cricket. I am your moral guide and here to tell you what you did and why you are wrong so you will never do it again."
But, to say it would be pointless is an understatement. We are living in real life and this life is not a cartoon - though it all still feels unbelievable.
I have watched and read how our School District responds to complaints. I filed lawsuits against them. And, we have followed every law to attempt to hold PVPUSD accountable for their gross negligence. Along the way, we have learned that in order to win in court you have to be willing to go the distance and fight for three or more years to get a final judgement. The Law is not on the side of the innocent but rather whomever plays the best hand wins the suit. As for PVPUSD's status quo, their strategy is to deny all wrongdoing and pretend as if everything is awesome.
Since we will, most likely never get an apology from PVPUSD and/or Linda Reid and her colleagues during the COVID ERA, or any Staff Member associated with Palos Verdes Unified School District,
I have written a letter on Linda Reid's and PVPUSD's behalf for you, my ANTI-VAXXER, Conspiracy Theory, Anti-Masker Friend! I hope this letter brings you the validation, love, and inclusion you deserved.
To Those Who Resisted Global Tyranny,
First, I want to offer to you my praise and applause.
On behalf of PVPUSD, I, Linda Reid, present to you this award!
Secondly, I took the time to read the five hundred pages written by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. I see that the committee concluded a two year investigation and it turns out you were right about everything. I realize now, it was not you who, as we previously claimed, were the spreaders of misinformation, but rather it was us. We, PVPUSD, were ignorant and scared. We believed in the Government Agencies. We put our faith in Pharmaceutical Corporations and their Handlers, specifically: The NIH, The CDC, The World Health Organization, The Biden Administration and we trusted Dr. Fauci. While it would be fine for us to trust them with our lives, it was cruel and unusual punishment for us to demand that you give up your faith in God and Natural Immunity and comply with our beliefs in Scientism. And, now seeing that Biden pardoned his son Hunter for crimes he committed over the course of eleven years, I realize I trusted the wrong party and people. Looking back over the tweets of my colleague, Rick Phillips, I realize I pandered to him and to people like him. I was wrong.
Third, I realize, despite my promise to put kids' first, I put the enforcement of rules that harmed children first. I realize from reading the report the following:
Public Health Officials and I and PVPUSD, disregarded Natural Immunity, Despite Its Proven Effectiveness and Durability
Those Who Recovered From COVID-19 Were Conferred Infection Acquired Immunity
Herd Immunity is a Real Concept and Occurrence supported by public health leaders such as Dr. Fauci.
There Was a Coordinated Effort from Public Health Officials to Ignore Natural Immunity and Suppress Dissenting Opinions .
Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns Unnecessarily Harmed the U.S. Economy
Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns Unnecessarily Damaged American’s Mental Health
Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns Disrupted the Development of American Children and Young Adults
Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns Unnecessarily had Severe Consequences for Americans’ Physical Health .
Despite Lacking Scientific Basis, Vaccine Passports Became a De Facto Lockdown for Unvaccinated Americans
Public Health Officials Incorrectly Characterized the Lab-Leak Theory as a “Conspiracy Theory”
The Biden Administration Employed Undemocratic and Likely Unconstitutional Methods to Fight What It Deemed to Be Misinformation
The Biden Administration and Many Public Health Officials Exaggerated the Power of COVID-19 Vaccines.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Other Public Health Officials Falsely Implied that Ivermectin Was Only for Horses and Cows.
The Biden Administration Arbitrarily and Without Scientific Support Announced COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Would be Available to All Americans
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky Overruled Expert Advisors in an Apparent Attempt to Satisfy President Joe Biden’s Arbitrary Vaccine Approval Goals
Fourth, I and my colleagues made a grave error in judgement when we accepted a bribe of $15 million to coerce parents and students to take a new vaccine with no long-term studies for side-effect. We are responsible for all of the injuries caused by the shots we injected in students' arms. I am deeply sorry, as a Board Member, I had no right to try to coerce parents into vaccinating their children. In December of 2021, when I was serving as your Board President, I should have fulfilled my campaign promise to act without bias and to act as an impartial leader. But Instead, I took the side of drug pushers and I sent this heartless email to shame parents. I created a culture that encouraged parents in the community to harass and bully the unvaccinated children.
I, Linda Reid, recognize the following:
Vaccine Mandates Were Not Supported by Science and Caused More Harm than Good
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Caused Massive Collateral Damage and Were Very Likely Counterproductive
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Not Supported by Science
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Hampered U.S. Military Readiness
The COVID-19 Vaccine Had Adverse Events That Must be Thoroughly Investigated
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is Insufficient and Not Transparent
Existing Vaccine Safety Systems May Be Missing Important Safety Signals, Especially Related to Neurological Conditions
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Created a new Surveillance System Specifically for COVID-19 Vaccines but Has Not Been Fully Transparent in Sharing the Data Collected in it
The U.S. Government’s Insufficient Systems for Compensating COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
The U.S. Government Is Failing to Efficiently, Fairly, and Transparently Adjudicate Claims for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
Debating or Discussing Vaccine Injury Compensation is Not “Anti-Vax,” and Implications Otherwise Are Counterproductive to Protecting Public Health
The Pandemic-Era Policy Often Disregarded or Outright Violated the Sanctity of the Doctor-Patient Relationship.
Fifth, I specifically would like to acknowledge you, Erin DiMaggio, for your relentless efforts to share the truth with us. Early on, you showed what a kind and selfless person you are. You spent thousands of hours trying to inform us. Despite people in this town harassing you online, stalking your social media, reposting photos of you and your family online to bully you and members of the Board's hostility toward you, you did not give up. In addition, in July of 2021, you sent to the Board a Resolution, that would have prevented any litigation against the Board. If only we would have considered a resolution to give people a choice we could have avoided years of pain and suffering. I am so deeply sorry that never once did I clarify to the public that it was our fault, you and Save PV Schools had to do back and forth litigation for years which resulted in no resolutions. It is PVPUSD's fault and our team of lawyers fault that the District racked up legal fees (which our insurance covered). We just passively waited until LA County's reign of terror ended even though towards the end we knew the orders were crazy.
I am deeply sorry that my colleagues and I were so ruthlessly biased that we would not even consider another point of view or explore additional options as the one El Dorado implemented. Even though you sent it to us, we ignored it. We didn't understand, at the time, that Local School Districts have local power and SHALL not yield OUR sovereignty to the agencies that serve us. I also want to acknowledge you sent us The Great Barrington Declaration.
You were not, as my colleague, Rick Phillips, some fringe minority group of conspiracy theorists. Rather, I see clearly now, your beliefs echoed close to a million infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists who also had grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies implemented by School Board Members and other Government Agencies. I am so sorry I did not believe you. And, now that Donald Trump won both the popular vote, winning the trust of 76,838,984 people and capturing 270 of the electoral votes, it's clear to me, "We are now the fringe minority."
Finally, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But it is my sincere hope that you can release any pain from your heart that I caused you due to my lack of ability to fight for equal treatment for all children. Please forgive me for my hypocrisy and constant gaslighting. Please forgive me for not putting children first. Please forgive me for risking the health and safety of children because I was ignorant about the real risks of a new warp speed MRNA vaccine and the long list of side-effects.
It was never my place, nor my legal right, to attempt to mandate athletes get vaccinated. I am so deeply sorry for the gross errors in my judgement. I am not a Doctor. I am not a scientist - I am just a school board member who should have focused on academic policies regarding reading and math. I was wrong.
In conclusion, I sincerely wish that you and everyone we accused of being "misinformation spreaders," feel vindicated. Clearly, it was us who needed to be fact checked. We are the real Karens with an unreasonably high sense of self-importance. We required constant and excessive admiration. We felt we deserved privileges and special treatment. We expected everyone to recognize our super achievement as Elected Officials with our team of elite experts, whom we chose to listen to during closed door sessions. Instead of hearing you out on August 11, 2021, we violated the Brown Act. We destroyed public comments from the District website and then proceeded to entertain two biased Doctors, one making bank off of COVID testing and the other who Los Angeles County hired to ramp up testing. We destroyed your trust in us. Now, on behalf of the Board, I, Linda Reid realize I was wrong. You, those we referred to as a fringe minority group and rude and other horrendous names, were right. I hope you can feel proud knowing you stood on the right side of history against Medical Tyranny, censorship, and the most extensive propaganda campaign in human history. It must feel good knowing the author of the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University, who the mainstream media tried to cancel and depict as a Quack, will now lead the National Institutes of Health, the primary agency in the US for public health research. It must feel amazing to know that Robert F. Kennedy, the author of The Real Anthony Fauci and founder of The Children's Health Defense, will be appointed by Trump to run the Department of Health and Human Services. And, if you can find it in your heart to forgive us, we were wondering if we can come to your next MAGA/MAHA event! Let's make America Healthy Again.
Happy Holidays,
With Love,
Linda Reid
(Disclaimer: This is satire - Linda Reid didn't write this)